Bioinformatics on MonARCH


MonARCH shares the same software stack as M3, which has a number of bioinformatics packages available in the default set of modules. These include versions of bwa, bamtools, bcftools, bedtools, GATK, bcl2fastq, BEAST, BEAST2, bowtie, bowtie2, cufflinks, cytoscape, fastx-toolkit, kallisto, macs2, muscle, phyml, picard, qiime2, raxml, rstudio, samtools, star, sra-tools, subread, tophat, varscan, vep (this list shouldn’t be regarded as exhaustive !).

A software stack of additional packages (known as bio-ansible) is maintained by the Monash Bioinformatics Platform (MBP).

Tools are periodically added as required by the user community.

Modules maintained by MBP are installed at: /usr/local2/bioinformatics/

To access these additional tools, type:

source /usr/local2/bioinformatics/

This loads the bio-ansible modules into your environment alongside the default MonARCH modules. If you are using this frequently you might like to source this in your .profile / .bash_profile.

To list all modules:

module avail

You will see the additionals tools listed under the /usr/local2/bioinformatics/software/modules/bio section, followed by the default MonARCH modules.

Please consult the M3 Bioinformatics Community Page for full documentation on the software available.